First Tape Covers

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The musical activities of Clairvoyance began middle / end of the 80s. But it took some time to acquire the equipment for synthesizer music and the skills to use it, so the first tape was released not until 1990: 'excerpts from craving'. Dirk and Diemo materialised their idea of electronic music, and avoided deliberately copying their musical idols. Looking at the tape in a retrospective, I can say that 'Just One Kiss' and 'It's the World' are already typical for Clairvoyance, wheras 'Odeon is dead' and especially 'No Romance' are more experimental and probably by-products of the search for an own musical style...

The next tape 'From a different point of view' followed already in 1992 and was a big step forward and is definitely a milestone. Even today I find it very well produced and exceptional in both sound and music.Three factors were responsible for this: we had more equipment, we were more experienced in producing, and most important: Andreas joined us, who was a real genius in creating melodic synthesizer sequences. We complemented one another very well, which resulted in a tape with six songs, each excelling in a different way. 'Without Words' would have been the hit single ;-) 'Hunted' creates a nightmarish athmosphere and is one of our darkest songs, as well as a good example for Diemo's drum programming skills. 'Joy of love' is almost classical and proves together with 'To the sky' Andy's ability to create endless many riffs for one song. 'Love's Farewell' is quite bombastic and testifies Dirk's preference for good lyrics. 'Pirates' shows that we had a lot of fun making music.